Friday, April 27, 2007

Little Miracles

It's hard not to acknowledge the miracles in my life sometimes.

We spent last night with a furniture builder to design a wall unit for The Boy's room. I was hoping to build the thing for about $2,000, but I could scrimp for the next two months and go as high as $2,500.

I liked the woman very much. It was clear we were on the same wavelength about the functionality and look of the unit. But she provided a quote of $4,000. We negotiated and made changes to the material to lower the price a bit. Then she said many of her customers are asking for similar units because they all seem to have teenagers these days. So if we allow her to take photographs of the finished unit for promotional purposes, she would do the unit for us for $3,000.

I said I would call her in the morning to let her know.

This morning, The Man received his tax refund. He received $500 more than expected. Wow, what timing. So I phoned the furniture builder with a go-ahead for the wall unit.

Either someone is looking out for us or The Boy is one lucky guy. Thank you very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sylph, That you like the woman thats ok , but The Boy should be on the same wavelenght. He has to like the unit after all. And did you ask The Man that you could spent the 500.

Sylph, With your permission, I would like to correct my comment on the " Old people singing" 8 april. I misinterpret 'dogma', this NEVER brings something extra. The dogmas ,fortunately, in the Catholic Church are fading away, like Pope Benedictus XVI want to get rid of the "limbus infantium". Now we better have to worry about new dogma's like Mr. Bush and his gang is preaching the world.

" wonder "