Monday, April 16, 2007

Feed The Body Or Feed The Soul?

The Man surprised me this weekend with a proposal to attend The Blind Boys of Alabama concert. He made the suggestion because he knows I like gospel music and thought I would enjoy the group. I heard the Blind Boys sing once on the radio, but I knew nothing about them, like, are they really blind, and are they really from Alabama.

The only thing was, this weekend we bought The Boy a new suit for his Chicago trip this Wednesday. He had ripped the knee irreparably on the pants of the last new suit I bought him. While at the shop, he picked up a few more things that he needed. I had also bought shoes that I didn't need. We just didn't have any more money in our budget for a concert and dinner. It was either the concert or dinner. What to do?

We stretched our budget and went for the concert. The Blind Boys were fabulous. For one thing, some of them have been singing for 60 years. Four of the seven musicians are indeed blind, and they must have honed their vocals to compensate for the loss of sight. They had really good pipes. I couldn't tell by their singing voices some of them were in their 70's.

It wasn't exactly the kind of gospel music I expected. The Blind Boys made their music more ruckus in spirit and soul. They obviously enjoyed singing to an audience. Then sometimes, it looked like they didn't care whether there was an audience or not, they were having such a good time. There was more interaction and showmanship between the blind singers than between sighted musicians I've seen. It was a spectacular concert. Sure, I'd convert.

After, The Man and I came home and made bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches at midnight. It was kind of romantic. And so the soul got fed twice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderfull moments even at midnight.