Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Politics Behind The Politics

I went to the volunteer thank you party for MyCandidate last night. One thing I've wondered about during the campaign was why the mayor did not endorse MyCandidate. So last night, the story came out.

A long-time councillor and the deputy mayor, Shorty, put his endorsement behind Rival. Because of that, the mayor didn't want to appear at odds with his deputy mayor so he withheld his endorsement of MyCandidate. Why did Shorty endorse Rival? Well.

For one thing, they are related by marriage somewhere. And they have business dealings with each other. But mostly, it's because they went to school together. Shorty has always been such a small guy that he used to get beaten up at school. Rival was his friend. So Rival always stuck up for him and fought his fights. Kind of like the lug behind the wimp to deter the bullies.

Now, I also went to high school with Shorty. He was in grade 13 the year I was in grade 9. He was the student council president that year. So I am guessing the beating up of Shorty didn't happen in high school. It must've happened in primary school. Because of that indebtedness, Shorty endorsed Rival.

How do you like that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show that when it comes to politics the old adage "strange bed fellows" is'nt so strange after all!