Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Mindlessness Of Being

On Thursday, Sis sent a note to inquire about restaurant choices as she and Girlfriend were going out to dinner on Friday. On Friday at 6 pm, Sis phoned asking if I would go shopping with her for a party dress. I had plans for the evening. But before hanging up, I said, Hey, aren't you going out with Girlfriend tonight? She gasped and said she had completely forgotten about it. So she hooked up with her friend, went shopping, and had dinner. It worked out.

All of last week, we've been searching the house for The Man's keys. The missing keys caused quite a change in our activities as The Man and I had to share my set of keys to the car and house. He searched everywhere in the house, in the car, in the shed, even the office where he now works and inquired at building security to see if anyone turned in a set of lost keys. I looked in all my purses and coats.

Then while making dinner one night, I stopped for no reason. I walked to my ski jacket, unzipped the side pocket, and pulled out his keys. I am sure I had checked in that coat before and I don't know what made me go straight to that coat at that moment. It was as if someone whispered in my ear to look there now. The Man didn't get upset; he was just glad to have his keys back. So it worked out.

For the last few weeks, The Man consulted with everyone in his extended family to arrive at a date and restaurant for a family get together. Many e-mails and phone calls later, they settled on Friday, December 15 when most family members could make it.

This week, I made a doctor's appointment for The Boy for next week. The Boy told me he couldn't go at the appointed time as he would be in rehearsal. The orchestra is performing the evenings of December 13, 14, and 15. Then he looked up at me and said, What day is that family dinner again?

Now he is trying to see if he can get out of performing Friday. I will have to talk to his band teacher. Or he will miss the family dinner. I wonder how that will work out.

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