Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Still The One

Both The Man and Bro echoed similar thoughts: we backed losers.

Not at all. Not in the case of MyCandidate. Elections are not about whether we picked a winner or loser. It's about whether you've backed the right ideals, whether you've set the right motions in gear for higher social good, whatever that good means to you.

I still believe MyCandidate is the best woman for our ward. Her vision for our city and our community best reflect mine. We want to build a cooperative community where we look out for each other, have access to services that improve our quality of life, revitalize our streetscape so we can reclaim our streets, engage our youth and elderly in life activities where they feel purposeful.

These are our goals whether MyCandidate holds office or not. She could have facilitated our goals if she won a seat on city council. But we don't give up because she doesn't hold office.

Would I still have worked for MyCandidate if I knew she would lose? Yes, I would have. I might even have worked harder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU didn't back a loser- you backed a winner. A winner because your candidate can stand tall and say that she ran an honest, heartfelt campaign with people like yourself who stood behind her no matter what the outcome. Her supporters are here now and will be during the next four years. Could the winner say that? Probably not. I wish a woman of her tenacity ran for council here. Instead ,we have the same old wishywashy people yet again in office. Take heart- the battle may be over but the war is yet to be won. A lot can be accomplished over the next term by a pro-active citizen! I know I will be digging in my heels and attending as many council meetings as possible to keep a watchful eye and to stir up s..t where possible-You will be too. Cheers- K