Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Bizarre

And then there is Rival.

Rival is another bizarre matter altogether. At the all-candidates debates, he told the audience, "Problems? What problems? Toronto has no problems. When I am elected, I will give everyone ice cream and we will dance in front of the church. That will fix everyone's problems."

When Incumbent accused MyCandidate of a smear campaign, Rival said, "She knew about this problem and didn't say anything till now? She should go to jail." Nevermind that everyone suspected misconduct but could provide no proof, nevermind that MyCandidate did not conduct a smear campaign. Let's shoot the messenger, but if she's not the messenger, let's shoot her because she knows the messenger. But by all means, let the criminal free.

When asked what could be done in the ward to re-engage youth, he said, "Send them to my garage and I will train them to be mechanics. The youth get in trouble because they are lazy. If they want a trade, I will train them." Right, he will take care of the youth problem single-handedly and turn them all into car mechanics.

And he said other things like, Vote for me and I will make you millionaires the way I made myself a millionaire. Vote for me and what you want is what you get. Vote for me and I will give you the money that is marked for councillors' salary increase. You do what you want with it.

Where's the vision for making a better community? He also owns many properties in the ward. He was quoted once as saying the reason he wanted to run for council was because he wanted to know what contracts are coming up.

But he thinks he's running for office in a small European village, not the large, most culturally diverse ward in Canada. The man lives on his own planet. Thank god he came in a distant third. Yet, this man was appointed interim councillor when the last councillor stepped down mid-term. He held office for nine months. Incumbent worked for him at that time. As the appointed interim councillor, he was not allowed to run, so he made a large donation to Incumbent's campaign.

This all in addition to Rival and Incumbent attacking MyCandidate for being a woman, for abandoning her children to run for office, for not working to pay her bills. They are so in cahoots.

The Man says if you wrote a TV series about the shenanigans of The Crooked and The Bizarre, studios would reject it for being too cliched. They are quite surreal.

Yes, it was important I backed MyCandidate.

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