Saturday, November 25, 2006

One Fine Evening

The only bad thing about being stoned is that when The Boy phoned from his party to check in tonight, The Man said to him, Don't do drugs.

Then The Man's friends came over. A sort of reunion of three childhood buddies. Soon, one takes out a bag of marijuana, the other takes out rolling paper, and before you know it, the house becomes a party.

I had gone upstairs to read after dinner. I could hear them talking and hooting. I could smell burning weed wafting upstairs and thought thank god The Boy isn't home. I wanted to get ready for bed so I went downstairs to say goodnight.

I met The Man in the kitchen. His eyes were red and he looked sleepy. I said, "Hey babe, you feeling sexy?"

He started giggling so I left him to it and went into the dining room to say goodnight to his friends. I don't know how we started talking about the grow-ops that's been in the news. One thing led to another and Tall Friend said, "Might as well light that up, you're talking about the stuff."

Hefty Friend handed me a half joint and said, "Here you go."

"Don't mind if I do," I said to myself and took the joint. I lit it up and sucked. I inhaled. It's been 20 years since I smoked a joint. It's still dry on the mouth and lips. It hits me within minutes.

As Tall Friend was talking to me from across the table, his voice grew louder. Hefty Friend too seemed to be shouting. The Man joined in with equal sonority. I marvelled at their effortless emission of thunderous voices with such relaxed faces and droopy eyes. I could barely keep my eyes open.

I went into the kitchen for some tea. The Man was there again. He was munching on crackers. He looked at me and started giggling again so I asked him for peanut butter. He started choking so I patted a kiss on his nose and left him to it.

I can barely walk straight, I feel woozy and I may be having trouble breathing. Maybe I want to vomit. I am so surprised it's past 1:30 a.m. Didn't we start dinner at 7:00? I am going to bed. If I don't blog for more than a week, check to see if our bodies are decomposing. Please take care of The Boy.

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