Sunday, August 27, 2006

Textured Meaning

Well, the shed extension looks better than anything I could have imagined. The bikes are hanging up in it now. I'll be darned.

The Boy is in a good mood this morning. That's because he's getting ready for music camp. We're taking two of his friends with us, then The Man and I will go visit friends for a couple of days. The Boy just came storming up the shower and said,

"Mom, you know that song we used to sing in grade 4 called 'Get Down'? I was just singing it in the shower, and you know, it's a dirty song."

"How so?"

"Well, the lyrics go 'If you get down on me, I'll get down on you. I'll do anything you want me to.' I thought it was just an innocent song about a bunch of kids getting down with a camera. That's what the video showed."

"You were in grade 4."

"I bet there are still all these little kids running around singing songs they don't understand."

"Yeah. I was always nervous when you sang songs from the radio. But parents sometimes just let their kids take in songs at their own level. Then when the kids get older and they understand the lyrics, they say what you said."

"Sneaky, sneaky..."

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