Friday, May 05, 2006

Life Imitating Itself

These last few days have been exhausting. I hurt all over. That's because until today, the weather's been glorious. Truly my favourite weather - warm and sunny without humidity during the day, dips much cooler at night so you still need a blanket.

I've been gardening. Weeding and garbage clearing actually. I had to do it. The vines in the garden were so overgrown that they had taken over the entrance gate. We could not open it without snagging the growth, and we cannot pass through without getting entangled. But in the process, I've killed off good plants I'm sure. It's distressing when I cut dead vines, then discover they are not dead. They just haven't sprouted leaves yet. That must've been how I killed our clematises last year. That's why I'm not seeing any this year.

The garden centre lady said to me, "Taking care of a garden is like taking care of children. You have to help the garden get rid of the bad things, put in a good foundation for healthy growth, keep nurturing it and train it to grow vibrant. Otherwise, you just get wild weeds that are hard to kill because they can survive in poor quality soil."

The Man took up flying fishing a while back. Mark Kingwell wrote a book called Catch and Release. It's about trout fishing and the meaning of life.

How often have you experienced the phenomenon of using the same recipe as someone else but cooking up an entirely different dish? Someone told me once it's not the ingredients or instructions, it's how much TLC, how much of yourself you put into your cooking.

And what about sleep? Sleep is a reflection of how you conduct your life. Those who lead healthy, productive, satisfying lives sleep peacefully and wake up refreshed. Those who carry unresolved issues have disturbed sleep and thrash about in bed. Bah, I hate this one.

Is everything in life a metaphor of itself?


The Sylph said...

Can't get to sleep? You must have cancer! Kidding, kidding. I was pretending to be my sister. ;D

I think trouble falling asleep comes under sleep disturbance, maybe the first sign of poor sleep due to psychological preoccupation. Are you having trouble? Talked to your doctor? Don't let it develop into a pattern.

PP said...

Did you know that over 95% of cancer patients have difficulty sleeping?