Saturday, November 22, 2008

Clowns To The Left Of Me, Jokers To The Right

It's a little weird being friends with a couple. You are always stuck in the middle.

Last week, the wife half of a couple confided to me that her husband seems clued out about the chores that need to be done around the house, so she's often angry with him. A few days later, the husband and I had lunch. He told me his wife must be going through menopause, because she's always so cranky. I bit my lip and tried to not take sides. Sheesh. Good thing they are not having affairs and confiding to me about them.

Recently, the wife of another couple and I talked about going to New York together, just for fun. When the husband found out, he objected, on the grounds he and his wife don't spend much time alone so why would she want to go to New York with me but not with him. Good point. She planned a trip to New York with him instead. I didn't mind. But sheesh again. I was almost the other woman, for her!

Then there is my pottery teacher. She makes beautiful, delicate ceramic things. But her assistant, now she makes beautiful, whimsical things. This year, she's making sea creature Christmas tree ornaments. I was so taken by her work I ordered four tree ornaments. Yet I have not bought anything my teacher made. Not that I think my pottery teacher minds. It's just that I would feel awkward if asked whose work I preferred.

Always is such delicate balance in my life. So it gave me the great idea to paint a balancing acrobat in the house. I want to render a sketch of this on my bedroom door.

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