Monday, August 11, 2008

I Am Everywhere

We just got back from a great weekend in Montreal. Truly fun and relaxing. Satisfying seeing the boys wonder off to explore a city on their own and still hook up with us for dinner. Even the disappointing food was good, but generally great food all weekend. Lots of walking so I even lost a pound. Excellent company (there were 11 of us altogether) despite mom being pesty and complaining.

For me though, it's always The Boy. At times, he's still like my favourite toy.

When we checked in at the hotel, I gave the boys their keys while I sorted the rest of us out. By the time I returned to the registration desk to finish our details, the boys were already in their room. As I was talking to the hotel receptionist, she said, "What timing. That's your boys phoning the front desk now." I asked if I could answer the phone, so she handed the phone to me.

Me - Yes? What can I do for you, Boy?

Boy - Huh? What?

- What would you like?

- Mom? How...why... What are you doing?

- You want something? What are you calling about?

- No way. How...?

But I couldn't talk to The Boy without laughing hysterically, so after a while, he just hung up on me.

The next day, the boys were off on their own. Mom and I walked the streets of Montreal. At one point, I saw a man sitting on an armchair on the sidewalk. A film camera was pointed at him. A woman was in front of the camera giving direction. I thought, what are they doing? So I stepped closer to the man in the armchair to have a better look. He was just sitting there. So I went on my way.

When I got back to the hotel, I called The Boy's room to give them the dinner plans. The Boy answered and said, "Mom? Where are you? What were you doing?"

- I'm in my room. I just got back from walking around.

- We just saw you on TV.

- Where?

- You were walking behind a man sitting on a chair. The camera focused on pau-pau and gave her a closeup.

- There you go. Now you know what we were doing.

Later, I said to The Boy, "You know, I am everywhere."

He said, "Yeah, I know. Scary."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny...I also recently got back from Montreal.