Saturday, September 15, 2007

Shelter From The Storm

Summer touched down and took off so quickly. I sit here looking out my back window and it's 12C out. Which made me think of the amazing weekend I had at a cottage recently with my friends. As timing would have it, that was the weekend The Man attended a Zen-Buddhist retreat, and The Boy attended the Virgin music festival on the island. See what independent lives we lead?

One of the finest moments of this weekend with friends was the four us sitting on the deck smoking and drinking. A fifth friend was inside the cottage reading. It started to rain. But that did not deter us from doing the smoking and drinking that needed to be done. We simply pushed our chairs against the wall of the cottage where the roof jutted out by about two feet.

Under this shallow shelter, we continued to smoke, drink and talk. It was a wonderful feeling of being protected even as we were exposed; the feeling of protection was strong because we were together.

We stuck it out this way for a while before retreating back into the cottage either out of hunger, or we finally succumbed to the gathering storm, or both. There is nothing like watching a storm with friends from the safety of a dry cottage, where plenty of good food await.

1 comment:

Sparky said...

I know what you mean. One of my most favourite times is during a heavy, heavy rainfall in the summer when I sit on my front porch. An eight-foot shelter protects us from the wet and we sit and see the rain pummelling down in front of us. Though the scene may sound ravaging at times with the lightening, it's quite idyllic.