Friday, September 07, 2007

So Wired

To prepare for The Exchange's arrival, The Man took apart his office and turned it into a bedroom.

That meant the computer, printer and router were relocated to the basement. It also meant all the connection cables he's put around the house for me to plug in with my laptop for internet access became defunct. For over a month now, we've only had online access via one computer.

The last time we saw Bro, The Boy lamented about the sad state of our 7-year-old Apple computers. This week, things happened quickly. Bro told us of a great deal for a brand new iMac. The Man decided he needed his own PC laptop for business.

Today, everything came together. Bro facilitated the purchase of a new iMac. The Man bought a new PC laptop. The Boy somehow set up the new iMac with wireless internet connection and he's online within 15 minutes of bringing the computer into the house. The Man fiddled with his new laptop and within an hour, he's also online with a wireless connection. That left me plugged in with the old computer.

I tell you, we spent the rest of the evening like a family of E.T.'s, each in front of our own computer, trying to reach out to the world beyond our house, looking for the way home.

We are so wired it's silly.

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