Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sod Off, Boy

The Boy is going through a very unlikeable phase of teenhood. It's the taking for granted so much and showing appreciation for so little. He's rude and belligerent to me, negative in outlook, and contrary in nature. This is on top of all the whining and complaining he already does. He is no pleasure to be around.

I've stopped talking to him. No more bantering, joking around, inquiring about his day, anticipating his needs. When I want to tell him something, I take a deep breath and talk in a slow, controlled voice. I ignore his protests, snide comments and attempts to provoke me into a fit. I call him on his disrespectful behaviour then walk away. Don't engage, I remind myself. I don't care that I am being a mean mom.

A friend once told me that she went through a period of about three years where she didn't like her son at all. She started liking him again as he entered second year university, when he matured into a thoughtful, considerate young man.

I don't see evidence of that kind of man emerging in The Boy yet. He's just an irritating, selfish, narrow-minded whinger. Three years, eh?

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