Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Pogo, Poutine and Beef Patty

Great. Now I'm being accused of trying to poison The Exchange.

Because we were rafting on the Quebec side of the Ottawa River, of course we had to get The Exchange to try poutine. We stopped at a chip truck. Not only did they have poutine, they also had pogo. So I got The Exchange an order of each.

The Man said at the time, "Pogo? That's an illegal food." Thinking he was serious, The Exchange inquired about the nature of its illegality. The Man had to explain his joke.

Like a trooper, The Exchange said, "Okay, when in Rome..." and ate the pogo and the poutine. Then he got sick. After, he said, "Now I know why pogos are illegal."

Bro came over last night and said, "From French cuisine to pogo and poutine? How could he not get sick?" Such snobbery. It's the experience. Having said that, Bro offered The Exchange a Jamaican beef patty.

Fearlessly, The Exchange accepted. I jumped in with knife, fork and plate and said, "Try one bite first and go slow." The Exchange was quick to identify the Jamaican beef patty as beef with spicy seasoning wrapped in puff pastry. The smart boy. He ate half and declared it was good, but that half was enough.

Then he said to me, "Now I know why you gave me pogo. You don't want me to come back to Canada." Such cheek. He teased me with that because he knows I dote on him.

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