Sunday, April 09, 2006

That Proves It

So. Apparently, I have a reputation with The Boy's friends.

When they got up yesterday, Handsome Dancer said to Blue Eyes, "Have you ever slept over here before?"


"Oh, just wait till you see what's for breakfast!"

How did he know what I had in the fridge? I barely knew myself as I hadn't thought about their breakfast until the morning. But I'm glad I didn't disappoint. I made them sausages, scrambled eggs, and toasted bagels. I gave them grapes and cut up bananas. I arranged everything on a platter and put it on the table with plates, napkins, cultery, glasses and a pitcher of orange juice. They helped themselves to what they wanted. They were gracious and appreciative guests, thanking me many times through out the morning. I was beginning to think, Are they pulling an Eddie Haskell on me?

But it all makes sense when The Boy told me later about their morning conversation. I'm a sucker for such adulation. The Boy's female friends think I'm a cool mom, his male friends think I'm a great cook and host. No wonder they are so polite and friendly with me, and clean up after themselves when they are over. And Butterfly Boy continues to hug me every time he sees me. It's all worth it!

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