Sunday, November 13, 2005

Excuse Me, I Voiped!

So skype me already.

I used the voice over internet protocol (VOIP) technology and talked to The Man using my computer.

It is the most amazing thing. I bought a USB headset with a mike and downloaded the free Skype software. The Man did the same. We each created a user name in Skype. We made sure we were at the computer at the same time, with Skype launched.

On the Skype screen, The Man clicked Find and typed in my Skype user name. When it came up, he clicked Call.

At my end, the computer, the computer! rang. Okay, it was the Skype software ringing. Connection was made via the Internet. I clicked Answer, and The Man and I talked! For free.

His voice was an octave or three lower. Or maybe that's computer-altered voice. But he came through the computer's speaker. I could have broadcasted our conversation. But I needed the mike to be able to talk to him. There was no tinny echo nor the one-second time lag that phone calls seem to have. I will try talking and e-mailing at the same time next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was easy. I just typed in gorgeous, and up came my my wife.

Those scientists.