Friday, November 18, 2005

Dancing Dames

Last week, I joined a dance class with a friend. The classes are a kind of earth mother chakra healing thing.

In class, we were each given a red sash. It is for us to wear, to remind us that the first chakra - the foundation of our being, is red. This chakra corresponds to our sense of survival, our grounding. It brings us health, prosperity and security. Sure, I can work on that.

The instructor, an attractive young woman, told us to curl up into a ball, stick our bums in the air, and breath through our bum hole.

Since that class, my friend says she has trouble getting that image out of her head. Me neither. But not from an overactive imagination. It was from an overactive stomach. I was an embarrassment of riches that night. It took everything out of me to let air pass, silently. I am not sure I enjoyed the class, I was so focused on not drawing attention to myself that way.

And the young women in class, they hopped, skipped and bounced. I don't bounce. Because bouncing produces noise that way when you have a reactive stomach. Try it. My survival instinct was in tact though. I survived the class and no one was any wiser to my situation.

I didn't make it to this week's class. The chakra worked on was orange. It represents our emotions and sexuality. I wonder if I would have been laughing, crying or writhing on the floor.


Anonymous said...

You made me laugh. Out loud.

Interesting that we did not attend the orange session....I don't think we were ready to work on the orange areas. I much preferred the activity we did instead..lounging, talking, listening, eating, sharing. A veritable rainbow.

The Sylph said...

Yes, it's often colourful around us, no matter what we do, isn't it? You are good company and it's fun just to hang together, skipping classes.