Sunday, November 06, 2005

Our Halloween Pumpkins

Click on the picture and you get a closer look.

True Story...
On Halloween day, my sister-in-law was listening to CBC Radio One. The host asked listeners to call in with unusual plans for Halloween.

My SIL's husband was away and she wanted to take her children trick-or-treating, but she didn't want to disappoint kids who came to her door. So she gave her candies to her neighbour at 109, and carved the pumpkin below, directing kids next door where they could obtain her treats.

She thought that was an unusual thing to do, so she wrote an e-mail to the radio station. Two minutes later, they were reading her e-mail on the radio and talking about her Halloween plans!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a party it must have been! Carving that is. Who needs scary pumpkins when it's so much fun just to be creative.