Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Guest Spot #4 on the Jerry Show

Guest 1: I told you not to do it but no, you wouldn't listen.

Guest 2: How was I gonna know they'd do that?

Jerry: So despite warnings from guest 1, you knowingly sprayed them with STP?

Guest 2: Yeah but I didn't know they'd mutate, did I?

Guest 1: That's 'cause you never listern. I told you they were from outta space.

Guest 2: Well I didn't see no *bleep* space ship and you're no *bleep* astronaut.

Jerry: But it's true that you created mutant termites.

Guest 1: Hundred and hundreds of them. In his basement.

Guest 2: I hope they suck your brains out.

Maybe this is more a National Enquirer item.


PP said...

Cool. What do mutant ants look like? Can you post a picture? Save some in a jar for me to see on Thursday, OK?

The Sylph said...

No. Excuse me, I do not have mutant ants in my basement. They are mutant termites definitely NOT in my basement. My head protects my brains well. They probably all starved to death by now.