Thursday, November 17, 2005

It's Ear Wax

I am reading a book called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It was written in 1937. Despite its American tone and penchant for making absolute statements, I can't get over this book. Every self-help book I have come across on any subject is based on this book, including topics on vibration and development of the sixth sense.

One of the things Hill says is, people do and think what they are used to (plus a whole lot more about how to change what you don't like in your life). So true.

My mother phoned last night in a shrill and panic demanding to know why her ear was plugged up.

I thought about it and said, "Maybe you are coming down with a cold. When I get sick, I get buzzing in my ear and I experience dizziness. Is your ear swollen? No. Do you have a headache? No. Are you dizzy? No. Then let's wait and see what happens in the morning. Sometimes these things go away by themselves. The Boy sometimes complains of his ears burning and in the morning, he's fine." I had this exchange with her because those are the ear experiences I've had.

My friend, who was with me, said, "Maybe it's ear wax." That's what she's familiar with.

When my mother consulted with my sister the doctor, my sister told her about the kinds of brain cancer that could cause a plugged ear sensation. She works with cancer patients. That's what she's familiar with. Mom said that had her worried all night, and I'm not going to consult with my sister about any of my illnesses again.

In the morning, my mother phoned back to say her ear is fine. She took a cotton swab and cleaned out her ear. Now she's back to normal. I suggested she ask her doctor to drain her ear next time she sees him. She's good with that and I am glad my friend was right.


PP said...

I am so offended. People hear only what they want to hear. I asked her:

Is it painful? Is there discharge? No. So it's not an infection.

Are you dizzy? Are you nauseated? Do you hear ringing? No. So it's not cancer.

Is it one or both ears? Did it happen suddenly? One ear more than the other, suddenly.

I told her it's most likely ear wax. I told her to go to her doctor to have her ears syringed in the morning.

Medically, first you rule out all the emergency things (infection), then the worrisome things (cancer) and then consider benign things (wax). That's what I did.

She said, "I'm sure it's cancer, then, spread from my breast" . I said, "You don't have breast cancer. I'm telling you it's not cancer. You have none of the cancer symptoms. I'm telling you it sounds like ear wax."

Don't blame me or deprive me of your medical care because your mother has selective hearing. She also called me this morning to say that she has used Q-tips and her hearing was now clear, did she still need to see the doctor. I told her no, only if it recurs.

Maybe I could have been more sensitive to her hypochondriacal nature, maybe I should get her shrink to increase her Remeron, definitely I should stop giving her medical advice so she doesn't continue to ruin my reputation.

The Sylph said...

Omg! Then I must have cancer. I feel dizzy and nauseated, I hear ringing in my ear. OMG! I can't eat or sleep any more. I'm so worried.

Anonymous said...

And no one suggested candling?

Waxing poetic here.

Anonymous said...

you are so polished