Monday, September 15, 2008

A Retrospective

I found my camera and now I have photographs of our trip to Europe. Not great photographs as I didn't take my camera with me most days and missed many photo ops.

The symbol of Paris, of course.

I liked that you can run into a detective agency in the streets of Paris.

Inside the beautiful Musée D'Orsay.

This is how I feel most of the time now.

Whizzing by the London Bridge. It was not falling down.

On the Thames waterfront is this ferris wheel.

Each of those cars are pods filled with people.

From inside the pod high up in the air, I took this photograph of Big Ben. Behind Ben is Westminster Abbey in white.

King's Cross Station. I like the patterns, colours and textures of this part of the station.

Yes, platform 9 3/4 of Harry Potter fame is here. I downloaded this photograph. But The Boy and Butterfly Boy went to find it and they have a photo of themselves pushing against the wall to get through.

In Uzes, Southern France. The Uzes castle.

This is the town square where Gerald Depardieu filmed the balcony scene in Cyrano de Bergerac.

A side street in Uzes.

A pedestrian street in Uzes.

A cafe in Uzes.

This is my friend's house outside of Uzes.

The Roman Aqueduct that brought water from Uzes to Nimes.

See that olive tree? They tell me it's over 2,000 years old. I don't think so...

Some kids were jumping off the bridge from the aquaduct into the waters below. There's beach with swimmers and boaters under the aqueduct.

My host's home in Southern France. Modest looking from the front.

But look what the boys were doing in the back. See that clear blazing, cloudless sky. That's a fig tree behind them. Our host offered us many juicy, ripe figs from that tree.

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