Thursday, March 22, 2007

Perfection Is A Flaw

I made banana bread this morning. Sure, we had three ripe bananas in the house. I also did the laundry. Yup, there certainly was laundry to be done. I stood outside the house and inspected our roofs with our next door neighbour. We happened to be out there, taking the garbage out at the same time. I even exchanged e-mails with a couple of friends about a dinner we're having on Saturday. See, now I'm blogging.

The real reason I am doing all these things is because I am avoiding writing the grant application I agreed to do. This is the second one I'm doing for the Latin American group. I think I committed to doing three. This is like university all over again.

I know I can write up the damn thing and even do a great job if I just sit down and get to it. But I look for reasons to not sit down. Unlike The Man. He agrees to do something, he gets it done, often before the deadline.

Maybe the difference is, he cares about getting it done, I care about getting it perfect.

I don't want to waste my effort if I can't get it perfect, at least in the way I envision it to be, even knowing I can't get to that stage if I don't get started. But the need to be perfect at the first go immobilizes me. It's a kind of self-imposed paralysis that would resolve itself if I simply get going.

It's too circular. I'm not cut out for that kind of logic. I yield to distractions instead. Ooh, I can smell my banana bread being baked to perfection.

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