Thursday, March 15, 2007

A Night At The Cottage

The second night of our stay, Sis and her kids arrived. She didn't quietly drive in. She phoned from 5 minutes away to say she was stuck in the snow.

Sometimes, The Man annoys me because he doesn't take care of things. Other times, he surprises me by insisting on making sure things work out when I think there is no need. This was one of those times.

He and The Boy's friend were supposed to drive back to the city after dinner. But for whatever reason, he wanted to stay until Sis arrived. Why? I had asked. To make sure she gets in okay, he had said. Silly man, I had thought, the directions are so straight, what could go wrong?

Was I ever glad The Man was still around when Sis phoned. We drove out to find her on the long and winding dark road. On the way down, Sis phoned again to see where we were. I don't know what it was in our conversation that The Man picked up, but he said out of nowhere, She's north of us, and turned the car around.

Sure enough, Sis had shot past us in the dark, drove to the end of the road and into a skidoo trail where the path was unplowed. After several attempts to dig her out, dropping the kids off at the cottage to be looked after by The Boy, a visit to a nearby resort, phone calls to CAA, and The Man mistakenly going home with my cell phone and leaving me with no contact with the outside world, Sis drove in at midnight.

Sis had a glass of wine and settled in to watch School Of Rock with the kids. After she got the kids into bed, we watched season 4 of Scrubs till 4 am. The next day, Sis was none the worse for wear.

I saw first hand how stressful Sis' life must be, how she tries to go with the flow, do what she needs to, and accepts whatever help and pleasures come her way to reduce stress and enhance life. In many ways, much more accepting of and open to life than I am, much more Zen than I could ever pretend to be.


Sparky said...

You know, traction treads can really come in handy sometimes. Especially when one is stuck in the snow.

PP said...

Wouldn't have helped. There was no footing to put the traction treads on. I had no idea the snow up there was the kind where you take a step and sink up to your hip.

We stuffed all kinds of things under the tires, but everything just sunk. I needed to be hauled out. On the bright side, CAA sent one of those huge trucks, one of those that can carry a bunch of cars on the back of it and I got to see this huge machine pull my car out. It was a blast. Well worth the adventure.

But surely that's it. No more car adventures for me this year, please. I'm handing in my Zen approach. I don't want anymore car adventures.