Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My Club

I like it when white-haired old guys say to me, Hey, you're 22, just like me. It shows good humour. I especially like it if the man is still handsome, vibrant and self-sufficient. That was our dogsled trainer, owner of the dogsled farm, who said that to me.

I like having that kind of thing said to me even when the old guy is a rubby in the street. Like today, when I walked by a dishevelled old panhandler, he called out, Hey, you legal to walk around by yourself? Got change?

I said, Okay, for that, I will give you all the change in my pocket. Which was over a dollar. Flattery works.

I feel like I am in collusion with these old guys. It feels like we're a club onto our own - a club of self-acceptance in spite of the falsity of their observation. It's a club for self-gratification through exaggeration and truth-bucking, because we've earned it.

I'm no Woody Allen after all, who wouldn't want to belong to a club that would have him as a member. I form my own clubs and draw up secret members. You just don't know what club you may belong to in my world.


PP said...

"self-gratification through exaggeration and truth-bucking" = denial.......

The Sylph said...

Denial is a self-defeating quality only where being fat is concerned. In all other arenas of life, it's a hard-earned right.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, I do 'wonder' to what club I belong in your world.
