Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Furs Fly

Crikey! -22C out. -33C with the wind chill. We're turning into Winnipeg or something? And it's windy. Some highways are closed, the CN Tower and other tall buildings are cordoned off for fear of falling ice.

But the great thing about the cold is, if you wrap yourself up warmly and take a walk, even just down to St. Clair, you really wake up, and come home appreciating what a warm house you live in even though you keep the thermostat at 20C like a good environmentally conscious, energy conserving citizen.

In the cold, I've been strutting around in my piece of faux fur that makes me look like a bag lady in training. You know that look - a bag lady wearing fur, maybe the last remnant of a better life past, sun hat flopping on her head, pushing a shopping cart, scraping the ground in rain boots as she walks.

I won't give up my muckers. They keep me warm and dry. I won't give up my purse, which The Boy calls my suitcase. My brown wool hat has a small brim, which looked very chic on the mannequin when I bought it, but on me it looks like a toque from afar. I don't mind. I am establishing a trend of retro casual chic for Canadian winters. I bought my faux fur because it reminded me of a piece my grandmother brought to Canada years ago.

Recently, I've run into two friends also sporting fur. I touched their coats. The furs were real! I was shocked. You'd never have associated them with dead animal skin. In a waiting room yesterday, I hung up my coat and noticed a sheepskin coat with fur collar next to mine. I touched the collar too. It too was real fur. I was appalled and moved my coat a few pegs away.

Once, coming home from a party, I shared a ride with a woman wearing a fur coat. I said to my friend, You sit next to her. She said no. And we jostled. Finally, I said to the fur lady, Where are you getting off? She named her destination and I said, Then you should sit in the front because you are getting off last. That makes no sense to me now but at the time, neither of us had to sit beside her.

I have an idea for PETA. They should endorse faux fur. Stylish and fun faux fur. They are almost as warm as the real thing, so I am told. PETA needs to walk around in faux fur to demonstrate the alternatives to real fur.


Anonymous said...

Haveing lived through three Winnipeg winters and an Edmonton winter the year previously, I truely know what cold is. Whilst in Edmonton, I bought a very unfasionable Goose down parka. My best investment to date! It travelled with me on to Winnipeg (where I could hide -and fit into- a pregnancy) and then to Ontario. There have been many times when I felt that people here in Port Hope were silently laughing at my lack of fashion sense but during the month of February as well as the past few days, who's laughing now!! Whilst in the northern climes of Manitoba and Alberta I noticed that most people wore fur coats. It would seem that some of them must of begged, borrowed or stealed to afford them but those coats definately served a purpose. They weren't for the most part status symbols. They were necessities. Personally, I'm quite happy with my ugly down, full lenth , man's parka which only cost me $125. which has suited me well for 26 years. - my inner self though, yearns for a raccoon coat. Perhaps that yearning is the primeval man comeing out! By the way, The cold we have been experiencing lately is NOTHING compared to a typical February day at Portage and Main in Winnipeg.

Anonymous said...

Sil2 you buy yourself that coat nothing wrong with that raccoon fur there are plenty of them , don't they come nowaday from a raccoonfarm .

" wonder "

Anonymous said...

They sure do. And I'll remember that whenever someone says to me "that animal died just so you could wear it!" and reply- " did you eat meat,fish or poultry last night?" SIGH- I can't afford the coat anyway.