Friday, February 13, 2009

Mess Mess

The Man is home. Snow is melting. The wind and rain came. Our basement flooded.

Funny that we didn't flood last summer when a rain storm came suddenly and flooded the houses down the street. We were untouched. But now we can't tell where the water is coming into the house. The basement floor in the back of the house just keeps getting wet no matter how much the Shopvac picked up. It's picked up at least 12 gallons (45 litres) so far.

The Man thinks it's ground water that's gotten into the back wall that is seeping in. I think the water comes from the river beneath us. If that's the case, we'll never get rid of the water. The Boy thinks it's the laundry drain that's plugged up. If the water doesn't stop coming in soon, we may have to bring in the disaster clean up people to find the problem.

What do we have a Shopvac, you ask. That's because we had an electrician in to upgrade our wiring so we don't blow the fuse, crash the computers, and blacken the room every time more than two kitchen appliances are plugged in. The electrician left his Shopvac till he returns next week to finish the job. I phoned him to see if we can use his Shopvac to suck up water.

The electrician punched holes in many rooms through out the house so he can pull wires through. We wanted more receptacles and pot lights installed too. When he's done, we will need a drywaller to come in to patch all the holes and repaint. Yes, we are living with a wet basement and holes in the walls.

In the midst of all this, The Boy invited three friends home last night. Of course they ended up spending the night in the basement. Which meant we weren't able to assess the damage in the basement till they left today. Then we moved everything from the back room out. Now the basement is in complete disarray too.

That's when The Boy asked why our house has suddenly turned into a dump. I said it's so we can experience how the other half lives. He didn't think that was funny.

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