Thursday, February 07, 2008

We're Under Cover

Those are the poor cedar trees in my backyard this morning. And my poor clothes line.

We've had back to back snow storms in the last two days. The snow gods must've had quite a party, shaking down 50 cm of fluffy confetti on us. For a few brief moments last night, there was even thunder and lightning, with snow, not rain! Wonder what they were celebrating.

The cedar trees in my backyard form a fence between our neighbour's backyard and ours. But it's looking like the trees may topple. If they do, I will need to replace them. Despite the grim prospect of the work involved, I actually delight in the thought of having younger trees that I can train and shape.

The ones there now were neglected for ten years before I realized they needed a trim. By then, the branches took up almost half the backyard and needles no longer grew close to the tree trunk. Each year, I trim some of the branches hoping to reclaim some of the yard space.

And here is our street covered in snow. In summer, when the red maple trees are full of leaves, they form a canopy of breezy shade over the street. But after a snow storm, they form a canopy of icicles over us. I like our street best looking like this.

And here are our neighbours out shovelling the snow off the sidewalk after work yesterday. The Boy wouldn't let me take his photograph so I took one of the neighbours instead.

After a snowfall, when all the neighbours come out to do the same thing, there is such a festive feel in the air. It's like we're having a street party. I get to talk to people I haven't seen since...since the last snow storm.
And hey, Happy Lunar New Year!


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures Sylph, and sure I would not mind living in a street like that in Toronto, very nice.

PS. and you as neighbour, or am I
too optimistic now.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year and Happy Anniversary. your snow covered street is more beautiful than mine as my landscap has less fauna. When I went out to shovel the snow (which was up to my knees), there were few people about.I spotted a neighbour with a snow blower but alas he didn't come in my direction. Whilst shoveling the driveway after the plow went through, a 80 yr. old neighbour across the street offered to help me. I declined as I was afraid that he would have a heart attack but he insisted. We managed to create a path for Mom's ar to get through. Weeks like this i'm glad I don't own a vehicle! Sidewalks are manageable. K