Tuesday, February 19, 2008

In Someone Else's Boots

Lately, we've been losing ourselves. In the last three months, I've lost my white scarf somewhere. I've lost two knapsacks. How can I lose a knapsack? Two different ones, two different times.

But the funniest loss is when The Boy came home after the weekend's birthday gig. He came home in someone else's boots. He and his friends stayed behind to pack their equipment. When they left, everyone found their boots. The Boy couldn't find his. But there was one pair of brown boots left. They happen to fit The Boy, though a tad small. So we conclude someone had taken his boots by mistake.

It's been five days. You'd think the fellow who took The Boy's boots, or his parents, would have noticed by now. Thing is, the brown boots The Boy came home with are a better quality than the pair he owned. So you'd think the parents would object to this inadvertent trade and contact the Birthday Son to arrange a switch back.

Where are these people?


Sparky said...

That happens occasionally. It happened to me on December 9th, 1990. On the way to PP's wedding, I grab my overcoat at Mom's to find the sleeves of the overcoat far too tight and restricting. I thought, "who the f@%& took my coat". I figured it had to be someone that was in the house with a body type similar to me. Who else could that be but FF. Sure enough, when I arrived at the ship, there was FF in an overcoat that was too loose for his liking. His response to me at the time was, "yeah, it felt a bit loose for some reason".

PP said...

There was a time when Sparky was bigger than FF?

Yeah, there was a time when I was bigger than Sylph, too.

The Sylph said...

Excuse me, PP, you still wear bigger clothes than me.

Sparky said...

No, you've got that wrong. My body frame and build has always bigger than FF. I'm just not fatter. Though I do remember at one point being fatter than FF.