Monday, April 23, 2007

The Boy's Chicago

The Boy's back. If you asked him and Butterfly Boy how each aspect of the trip was, all you'd get are complaints.

How was the food?
It sucked. We ate at really sucky places. Even that pizza place the whole school went to. They try to make the place cool but their food was awful. One day, three girls in different rooms who don't even hang out all got sick together. They were throwing up all over the place. It was the food.

How was the dinner and dance cruise?
So lame. Dinner was some dried up fish biscuit. The dance took place in the lobby, where there was also a father-and-daughter girl guide dance, and a middle school kids dance. No one danced.

How were your performances, at the school and at the university? You know, the reason you went to Chicago?
That was just an excuse for the trip. At the university, they taught us one song and there were four non-playing parts. Mine was one of them. At the school, the kids weren't interested in us playing. They just liked that we were the reason they got out of class.

Anyone get in trouble?
Some kids got caught smoking pot. They were withdrawn from all the activities and had to hang out with one of chaperons, who happened to be a really cool parent. She took them sight-seeing and bought them dinners at great restaurants.

Was there anything you were disappointed in in particular?
Since we at the museum already, I wanted to see four things: American Gothic, The Diner, some Picasso's, and Starry Night. I asked where American Gothic was and they pointed the way, so check. I asked about The Diner. They said it was on loan. I asked about Picasso. They said, Right now, there is a special Picasso exhibit on. It's $18 to go in to see the Picasso exhibit. I asked about Starry Night. They said it was hung in the Picasso wing. I said, Starry Night is not a Picasso. They said, That's just where we're hanging it for now. So I saw only one of four things I wanted to see. I felt so gypped.

What was the Magnificent Mile like?
The Boy: It's kind of like Yorkville. Wasn't very interesting.

Butterfly Boy: I made the mistake of going shopping with like five girls. They spent the whole time in a lingerie shop.

- You didn't find that interesting?

- Sure, for the first hour. But not for four hours. I tried everything on but nothing really fit.

Butterfly Boy is good natured that way.

Overall then, it was a pretty bad trip, eh?
No, it was excellent. We had so much fun and did so many things. Everyone we met were so nice and friendly.

For example, the day after the kids got caught smoking pot, we went to the Sears Tower. When we got to the top, we stumbled around and circled Mr. A and said, Oh my god, we're so high. He said very slowly, What do you mean? We said, Look, look how high up we are right now. It was so funny. Later, Mr. A gave Butterfly Boy $1 and said, Go get me some water. BB said, Do I get a tip? He said, Yeah, tell you what, don't ever wear brown and white together. That's what BB was wearing. He's a funny teacher.

After we did the school performance, they gave us soggy pizza and tons of pop. We took all the pop back to the hotel with us and ordered a mini fridge. We got the last fridge in the hotel. There were always at least 10 people in our room and the phone never stopped ringing. We were party central.

We were in the elevator with some middle school kids from another school. One kid made a farting sound with his hands. A girl said, Ew Adam, that's so gross. So we jumped in and said, Yeah Adman, that's just so gross. After that, every time we saw that kid, we'd go, There goes that crazy Adam doing crazy things. He and his friends just laughed.

And The Boy told me this charming story:

We went to Millennium Park. Alex, Cassandra and I walked under The Bean, a huge glass bean-shaped thing that reflects the city back. We laid down on the ground to look up at The Bean and to see our reflections. This little toddler, she could barely walk and only made gurgling sounds, came up to us. When she saw us lie down, she laid down beside me. So the four of us just laid there staring up at our reflections and made gurgling sounds. Her mom came up and took a picture of us. It was very cute.

And so here're some stock photos of Chicago's Bean.


Anonymous said... how was Barrie?

The Sylph said...

The Man is very good company when he is not grouchy or complaining about other people using the trails while he's on them. I only had to ditch him once the whole weekend.