Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Boy Gets Ready

The Boy is packing tonight for his Chicago school trip. This is the first trip ever that he's packing for himself. Sure, I did the laundry and we sat down and made a list of things he needs to take. But after that, he's been on his own. Of course, top of his list are all the electronic things he needs for diversion on the bus ride. So he dictates while I write:

- iPod, iTrip, iBeam, iThink, iAm. Can you put a "therefore" between the last two items?

Then he tells me this joke, his current favourite:
Descartes went into a bar. The bartender said to him, Will you have a drink? Descartes said, I think not. Then poof. He disappears.

As he's gathering his things, I said to him,

- Did you know that I am a Fanjaya?

- Oh my god. How do you think that makes me feel to learn my mother is a Fanjaya? How can I leave for Chicago knowing this? Why would I want to come back?

- Sanjaya is a sweetheart. I want him to win.

- I hate him. He's ruining the show.

- You look kind of like him, especially when you have long hair.

- Ahhhhh....

My Boy ran away and I haven't seen him since. Oh, oh. I hear him. He's hauling his bag out of his room. Let's see what other reactions I can get out of him.


Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised he ran away! The Boy not only looks nothing like him but probably has more talent in his own toenail than S has in a hair follical! What is he doing in Chicago? Is he visiting OPRAH?

The Sylph said...

He's in Chicago to further his music "education". I saw on their agenda things like city tour, dinner on a boat cruise, aquarium visit, exploring the Magnificent Mile, Chicago's version of the Champs-Elysees. I asked several teachers where exactly was the educational part. They pointed at some blurp buried in the agenda where they attend a concert by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the students performing in some hall. Life can be so tough for him.