Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Twists and Turns

The last few years, The Man and I tried to make a go at freelancing. We are communication consultants. We do excellent work, but we are not particular good at selling ourselves. So our employment has been unsteady. Granted, we have also been busy with other life-changes and extended-family care. And in the last two years, The Man obtained an MBA.

Since April this year, The Man has been trying to land a full time job. Since June, I too have been trying to find full time work. Just to make sure things unfold in our favour, we even consulted a Feng Shui master at the end of June to ensure our home is aligned so that we are protected from harm and we receive good flow in our career sector.

For The Man, it has been difficult. Despite sending out resumes and networking with people, there have been few bites. It has been difficult for me too. I had trouble even putting together my resume. But I attended some job search workshops to get my head in work mode. I've been reading about how to find a job. I even applied for a few jobs just to get in the practice. But I can't say that I've tried in earnest. Summer with the hot sun, humidity and vacation plans made focusing very difficult for my already challenged attention span.

In August, several things began to happen. The Man had several leads. Over the course of a few weeks, he was offered at least two jobs - one in Toronto, the other in Yemen. A couple other leads went nowhere. Another one is still waiting to be panned out.

He turned down the offer in Toronto. The job wasn't suitable. But he was very interested in the offer from Yemen. After various communications, he agreed to go to Yemen for UNICEF. We waited for the contract, and suddenly, they sent him an e-mail on Monday saying he should board a flight for Yemen on Wednesday! Well we are just not ready. He got them to change the flight for Friday. Still, he's leaving for Yemen this week! I am scrambling about putting together a little send off for him. And I have this dumb cold and cough happening.

As for my work, a job landed in my laps at the end of August. But it was the job from hell. Everything about it was wrong. I left after two weeks. That was the period of The Horror. I still shant talk about that. But with The Man leaving, I will be single-mothering The Boy. And I will have no more excuses to not focus on obtaining work. The Man has done his part. Now it's my turn. I'm scared.

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