Thursday, August 11, 2005

Technology Circus

I get comments on my posts sometimes. I delete most of them. I don't think they are from real people. The comments carry generic messages like:

Hey great job on your blog. I'll definately be back. Meanwhile, check out my site ....

The link goes to site that want to sell you stuff. I guess there is no privacy in the blog world. But I feel so violated by this kind of spamming. How do they do that? Do they use a program to search or technorati, come up with key words and automatcially pop in generic messages into blogs? Is commerce the motivation for invading people's blogs? Is there a blog spam protection software I can use?

Service providers come up with a technology that enables one activity, only to have people come up with a tertiary technology that abuses the primary activity, which necessitates the creation of a new technology to stop the abuse. Sure, necessity is the mother of invention. But this is like mother gone bad. Or are we all just part of a technology circus?

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