Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Flittering Thoughts

The Man has left me again. With news of a Canadian reporter being captured and released near Kabul, I am more concerned than ever for his safety. Life goes on here and there. Here's to The Man, his safety and health, over there.

Speaking of which, The Man and I have a new health pact. When he comes home for Christmas, we will each have lost 10 lbs. That's the goal. Lose 10 lbs in 6 weeks. Easy, right?

Not when I ingest 730 calories at 10 PM because I was touched that The Boy was thoughtful enough to bring home a cinnabon for me at that time. Not when I sit eating pistachios late into the night because I can't put my book down, then wonder if I should reward myself with a snack at 2:30 AM because I finished the book.

The book was hard to put down. It's about a Canadian woman who trekked the Camino de Santiago in northern Spain. I feel like I did the 800 km walk with her. Just to make sure I really do it, I sent a friend a simple note: "Camino de Santiago. 800 km backpacking through Medieval towns in Spain. 1 month pilgrimage. Let's go."

Her reply came simply as, "I'm in." Spanish is definitely on my to-do list now.

Another friend won't be in. She's heading to France in two days. I have agreed to prepare meals for her teenage son and check in on him every few days.

I am trying to schedule in some intensive daily French classes. Everyday for two weeks, five hours a day. It's like French Immersion. Wouldn't it be neat if I weigh 10 lbs less and could speak French to The Man when he comes back?

My instructor thinks I have the potential. He said I catch on quicker than others in the class. That's because everything is a review for me I reminded him. Then he gave that French shrug that said, I offered my opinion but it's your life, you do as you please.

I am quite pleased that The Boy now wants to major in English literature in university. He found a list of Time Magazine's top 100 books ever. He's on a quest to read all the books on the list. But we also found out he may not have deferred university because of a procedural glitch. That means he will have to re-apply, with lower marks than last year, because he's just pretending to go to school right now. But that's another story.


Sparky said...

A colleague here at the office did that trek several years ago. What's the name of that book?

The Sylph said...

There are many books out there on the Camino de Santiago. The one I read is What The Psychic Told The Pilgrim by Jane Christmas.