Friday, January 04, 2008


Crap. I'm all choked up.

We got home tonight and I started to clean up. I also started to plan my menu for the week. That's the only resolution I've made this year, to lose real weight. One way to do that is to plan my meals.

But I get to the meals for Wednesday. And I remember that's the day The Man goes back to Kabul. Crap crap crap. It's like a planned death. Or a planned birth. You know on that significant day, life as you know it now will change.

I know I've been here before, but each time it's different. I know he'll be back, and honestly, he's getting just a bit on my nerves, but that's no reason to send him so far away to a conflict zone for such a long time.

I can only remind myself his going to Kabul is not about me. True, he goes partly for us, to provide for us. But it's also the first time in a long while since I've heard him talk about his work with such purpose and enthusiasm, joy even.

So I will hold on to that thought and focus on what I need to do here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too bad for you that the Man is leaving again for Kabul. How long will he be gone. I know how it feels, in the seventies I worked in Iran , but on a 8 - 4 base , always looking foreward to the 4 weeks vacation, but also the work I enjoyed very much.

Don't make any intentions Sylph, unless they make you happy.

Talking about intentions cq planning, Sil2 didn't you make a plan or goal about 4 months ago how are you getting along ,and will you make it when spring is there.