Saturday, July 28, 2007

French Kissing

I like the French custom of children kissing their mothers every morning, one peck on each cheek. I mentioned this to The Boy and he immediately gave me two pecks. He said he doesn't object to this custom.

I used to kiss him every morning. But I stopped when he declared his independence and we started keeping different schedules.

I am working on The Man kissing me in the morning and at night. Once upon a time, he did that. But then along the way, he stopped. Probably because we started going to bed at different times, and sometimes slept in different rooms, and we wake up at different times. To be fair, he kisses me often enough. It's just that I often recoil in horror because of his bad breath. So what I'm really working on is getting him to improve his breath so I can enjoy his kisses.

But as for the morning kiss, I want to institute that custom in our house. I see Exchange, The Boy, and The Man lining up to kiss me each morning as the start to their day. Yes. I like this custom.

I wonder if French teens kiss their mothers good night.


Sparky said...

I always kiss my spouse in the morning and before we go to bed. Have done it for years. If not a kiss, a hug at the very least.

Anonymous said...

Tongue scrapers!

The Sylph said...

Do you or Waif have bad breath? You'd be surprised how much less kissing happens when bad breath is involved.

Anonymous said...

There's always the pursed lip kiss

The Sylph said...

Yes, we are experts in the pursed-lip-hold-your-breath quick peck kiss. Unfortunately, it's the same kiss The Boy gives me.

Sparky said...

We do not have bad breath. We are very cognizant of it. We use mouthwash often, suck on mints and chew gum that has a hint of minty freshness (a la Donkey).

If you have Ward have bad breath, eeeeewww!

The Sylph said...

You mask your bad breath? That's why you always smell minty and musky. I don't think I have bad breath. Except after I eat garlic.

Anonymous said...

You could try "soixant-neuf".

The Sylph said...

So naughty, fryslan...

Anonymous said...

Not haveing a spouse at the moment sort of eliminates me from the kiss in the morning thing but I always have bottle of Scope on hand in the bathroom just in case. Also a pack of dentyne at work due to the fact that I continuously test and taste new culinary delights- sometimes in early morning. Not good to have smolked salmon breath at 10 AM!