Saturday, June 23, 2007

On With The Show

I am almost crying with gratitude because I hear live music playing in my basement again. Since his Jazzberries days, when The Boy was 13, he has not had a band. Now, he's gathered some friends and they do rock songs, just like he's always wanted to. Apparently, they're called Asteroid M Goes To The Zoo. I know, I have no idea what it means.

Even though he's a drummer, The Boy has decided he would do keyboard in this band. I didn't even know he could play piano so well. They have agreed to grace my kung fu studio and perform at tonight's fundraiser. So now, they are rehearsing in the basement.

But these are 16-year-old boys. Three of the members couldn't make it to this gig. One had to go to the cottage with his family, one lives in Oakville and had spent all his allowance so couldn't afford the Go Train ride to TO this weekend, and one had all four of his wisdom teeth out a couple of days ago and didn't think that would affect him at all, and now of course he's too drugged up with painkillers to play.

Still, with just the keyboard, drums and vocals, they sound great! I don't say this because I am the mother. I say this because I am amazed at the quality and maturity of their sound. The fact that they are high school music majors must make a difference. I wish I could record them and load their sound here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even so, if it was because you are the Mother it's ok.
Incase , in due time, when they give a big concert will you invite me.
