Friday, February 16, 2007

We Keep On Linking

Back in December, I went to one of those Christmas home entertainment shows with a friend. It was one of those shows where you visit booths to see how you can spend more money over the holidays. Towards the end of the day, we rested at a table and sat on bar stools, drinking cocktails and watching flair bartenders do their act.

In the midst of the performance, two East Indian women walked around with trays offering samosas, flatbread and dips for people to sample. The food was good so we asked where we could buy them. The women pointed to their booth.

It was a Rubicon Exotic Juice booth. They were the suppliers of juices for the flair bartenders. On that specials day, they were selling litre-box juices at $1 each, 12 for $10. So my friend and I each bought the samosas and flatbread, and a 12-box case of juice. It was a really good deal to end a great day's outing.

This week, The Man gave away The Boy's desk online. A woman phoned for it. Her uncle, an East Indian man, came last night to pick it up. The Man helped him re-assemble the desk so they wouldn't have to figure out how to put together Ikea furniture. As he was leaving, the uncle said, "Let me get you some juice."

The Man and I looked at each other. Did he mean he wants to juice up his van first, as in start it before we load the desk?

Nope. The uncle came back with a bag of Rubicon juice boxes. I noticed his van had the Rubicon Exotic Juice sign painted on it. I said, "Hey I bought lots of that juice a while back. We're still drinking them."

He said, "I work for them."

"I went to the Christmas entertainment show in Mississauga and bought the juice, and some Indian food items and dip."

"I worked at that show. My niece worked there as well. This desk is for her son."

"Did she bring food around for people to sample?"


"When I bought the juice, I was served by a man. Maybe that was you."

"So you are my client also."

Is that not wild?

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