Monday, October 02, 2006

To Turducken Or Not To Turducken

Thanksgiving is this weekend. I'm hosting two gatherings. One with my own extended family, the other with SIL's family and my mother-in-law.

For my family's dinner, I had planned roast beef. For the dinner with in-laws, I've ordered an organic turkey.

But somewhere in there, I am wondering whether a turducken should appear.

My own family are adventurous eaters. We delight in gluttony even as we complain about it. I received an e-mail from Sis. She's thinking turducken too! But Bro is already bringing lamb and chicken wings and I had to cancel my roast beef. Should a turducken make an appearance instead? There is gluttony and there is excess to the point where we're throwing food away while people starve in Africa.

I think SIL won't mind turducken. She had dinner with us on Boxing Day and we ate leftover turducken, though I think she may have only eaten the turkey part. I remember telling my mother-in-law about my turducken last Christmas. I seem to recall her incredulity at the combination of birds was expressed in disgust. Or was that someone else? Quite a few people showed open disgust at the idea even as I tell them Loblaws now sells the tucked birds in their frozen meat section.

The Man says he doesn't care. He claims he's up for the adventure. But he's a kill-the-food-twice-skinless-
boneless-chicken-breast-cooked-till-it's-cardboard guy. Oh he denies it. Will anyone lose their appetite and pick around the birds with trepidation if a turducken made an appearance at the dinner with in-laws?

Too much excess at my family's dinner and too many reservations with the in-law's dinner. Okay. I will reserve the turducken as a Christmas special with my family only. I hate people puking at the dinner table either from gluttony or fear.


Sparky said...

I like innovative food ideas. We are too hung up on tradition. Why not have a goalamsteak? We layer goat on lamb on steak and grill it as one. How about snaptrouman? Seasoned red snapper wrapped in trout wrapped in salmon and baked. Sounds silly? So did a turducken.

Anonymous said...

I beleive I had the Turkey and Chicken, but the Duck was a bit too fatty for me. However, the Duck did add most of the flavour and juiciness. You might be right about the Mother-in-Law, I'm not sure she'd care for it.

But it does come down to the fact that we're guests in YOUR home. It's the company, not the food that brings me there. Okay...Maybe it's a bit of the food, you're a great cook.

Anonymous said...

To Turducken, or not to Turducken-that is the question:
Whehter 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them.

Well I think you get the drift. The mother in law definately would'nt enjoy it. Bon Appetite on Thanksgiving day no matter what you end up serving - K