Tuesday, September 12, 2006


As I sit here this morning, this is what's happening around me:

  • Brad Pitt is in town. The Toronto International Film Festival is going fierce. Sounds like there are lots of good films coming out. I've not attended the festival for a few years now, because of its over-complicated ticket purchasing process and lineups. You line up to buy your passes, you line up in the passholders queue in front of the theatre, then you line up to get in. After all that lining up, if you don't like the movie, you don't really want to walk out. Though I am curious to see how much things have changed, now that the festival has become the most important film festival in the world, topping the one in Cannes, apparently. Maybe I'll just go wander around downtown to see if I can bump into Brad.
  • The Canadian Opera Company is launching Wagner's Ring Cycle tonight. This week's seats are sold out, but you can still get stand up tickets for $75. I would like to see this one. Maybe that will be my Christmas present. Hey yeah, make The Boy come with me... you know, he may surprise me. He often does, by liking things I don't expect him to.
  • The 5th anniversary of September 11 just passed. Condoleezza Rice is in Nova Scotia thanking, no, trying to score political points to ensure Canada stays in Afghanistan.
  • Three bodies were found in the Chelsea Delta hotel yesterday. Possibly a murder-suicide. The Chelsea Delta. My first boyfriend used to stay at the Chelsea when he came to town. My best friend's boyfriend also stayed there when he came to see her. So long ago.
  • Our local councillor is living with a friend, a fellow councillor, because he got a woman in his office pregnant and denies paternity so his wife booted him out. Since he's been living with the friend, he's starting to look more like the friend - they use the same tanning machines, wear similar kinds of clothes. And he dropped the ball on local concerns. The park at the end of our street got sold to developers and he is now making a fuss about saving the park. Why was he sleeping when the sale went through? Why didn't he make a motion for the city to buy the land when it went on sale? I really want to boot him out of office. Good thing I am hosting a party for my candidate next week.
I am sitting here fading away. The fat flush is harder than I thought. I have to eat raw vegetables all day, and drink vegetable cocktails. I can only eat so much vegetables before my stomach flips over. And I have cramps and a headache. It's that time of the month. Today shall pass.

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