Monday, December 12, 2005

A Different Kind of Boy Band

I was so smitten with Wookie's guinea pig tricks that I suggested to my book club friends we send Wookie fan mail, for example, a Christmas card with women's panties on it. One of the bookies said she didn't get the connection between women's panties and Wookie. That's just her. But Il Divo gets it.

One of the members of Il Divo said his personal goal is to paste a whole wall of his house with knickers from beautiful girls who threw theirs on stage.

Il Divo is a new kind of boy band. Some smart music producer meshed the idea of the boy band and the success of The Three Tenors and came up with Il Divo. There were auditions to find the singers. The result is four really good looking men in their thirties, trained in opera. I mean, they are really good looking. I know, it's the white shirts and suits they wear, and the photographer knows how to pose them. I bet being photogenic was a crtieria for getting into the band. Works for me. I mean, just look at them.

And they really can sing too, unlike the Spice Girls.

Their website says they "bring opera to the mainstream". Their first album, Il Divo, "sold over 5 million copies - smashing Led Zeppelin’s 25 year-old record of being the only band to achieve a number 1 album without a single release!" The boys do operatic renditions of pop songs, and do a darn good job of it too. They even make Feelings listenable, no pleasurable.

So I spent most of the day oggling their photos, downloading songs from their three CDs, sorting them and burning them to disk. Yeah, I'd make a bad john. Cute as they are, I still don't want to pay money for the pleasure they bring.


Anonymous said...

It's not just any old boy band that lands a cameo on The Young and Restless you know.

The Sylph said...

They are young AND restless too? How sexy is that?