Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Blood - It's in you

I find those commercials for blood donation scary. It's that woman with the hungry voice, pleading, Blood - it's in you to give, and those TV commercials of people with puppy dog eyes claiming they won't live till their next birthday if I don't give them my blood. As if I should feel guilty for having blood in me. What about my next birthday?

I already give in time, energy and money to social and familial causes; don't come after me for my blood too.

Should blood giving be sanctioned like the vampirish, manipulative business it has turned into? I gave blood once a few years ago. Every month since, some guy from the blood bank phones me at work to ask for more. One day, I had a particularly bad day. I dealt with stressful situations and chaotic people, on my feet since 9 AM, had no lunch, and finally found a few minutes to sit around 4 PM. I thought to myself, I can't do this any more. What else do people want from me? Wouldn't you know that's when the agency phoned, wanting my blood! I started laughing hysterically and must have scared him. He offered to take me off his list.

Do we have to act crazy to contain our lives? What's with all the pressure people put on each other? What's with that, eh?

Monday, August 30, 2004

Aah...don't get me wet!

Ever notice when people are swimming, especially in a swimming pool, and it starts to rain. The swimmers scream and run to get out of the rain.

What's with that? They don't want to get wet? It's okay to get wet with pool water but not rain water?

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Watering the lawn in the rain

On Roseneath, I have seen this a few times. When it rains, when it pours I might add, I have found our neighbours standing beside their lawns with hose on, watering the lawn.

What's with that? Were they already watering the lawn and didn't notice the rain coming? They must have. Once, I saw a woman with hose in one hand and umbrella in the other. Or did they notice the rain but thought the rain wasn't doing a good job so came out to help?